Mexican mother-of-four photographed her killer before she was executed in Mexico

Chilling photo of killer moments before he shot dead photographer who took it: Mexican mother-of-four snapped man raising his gun to shoot her dead after she found him stealing her motorbike

  • Paula Ruiz was shot in Chiapas, Mexico, by a motorcycle thief Saturday
  • The 41-year-old mother of four children died at a hospital Sunday
  • She was walking with her son to his motorcycle after leaving her hotel job and discovered his bike had been stolen
  • The canvassed the streets of the city of San Cristobal de Las Casas near the hotel and confronted two suspects, including one who was pushing the motorcycle
  • Ruiz got in between her son and the shooter, identified as Pedro, and dared the gunman to shoot before he fired a shot and struck her above the heart
  • Pedro and four other suspects were arrested by Chiapas authorities on Tuesday 

A mother-of-four snapped a photo her killer moments before he shot her dead in the middle of the street in Mexico after she confronted him about stealing her motorbike. 

Paula Ruiz was murdered Saturday evening moments after the assailant, identified only as Pedro, and his accomplice Sergio Antonio stealing her son’s motorcycle in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, local Mexican media outlets reported.

Ruiz and her son, Miguel Alejandro, were walking back to the parking spot after she had concluded her shift at the Arrecife de Coral hotel around 11pm and noticed that the motorcycle was no longer there.

The gunman, identified by the Chiapas (Mexico) State Office of the Attorney General as Pedro, opened fired and shot 41-year-old Paula Ruiz on Saturday night as he and an assailant attempted to rob her son's motorcycle. Ruiz reportedly fired a shot that impacted Ruiz above the heart. She was declared dead at a local hospital Sunday

The gunman, identified by the Chiapas (Mexico) State Office of the Attorney General as Pedro, opened fired and shot 41-year-old Paula Ruiz on Saturday night as he and an assailant attempted to rob her son’s motorcycle. Ruiz reportedly fired a shot that impacted Ruiz above the heart. She was declared dead at a local hospital Sunday

Paula Ruiz was executed in Chiapas, Mexico, after she confronted two suspects who were trying to steal her son's motorcycle Saturday. The 41-year-old mother-of-four challenged the gunman to fire his weapon as she stood between him and her son before the suspect fired and shot her above the heart. She was rushed to a local hospital in the Chiapas city of San Cristobal de Las Casas and was declared dead

Paula Ruiz dared a motorcycle thief to 'shoot' her son as she stood between them before the gunman opened fired and struck her near the heart area Saturday night in Chiapas, Mexico. She was taken to hospital and declared dead Sunday morning

Paula Ruiz was executed in Chiapas, Mexico, after she confronted two suspects who were trying to steal her son’s motorcycle Saturday. The 41-year-old mother-of-four challenged the gunman to fire his weapon as she stood between him and her son before the suspect fired and shot her above the heart. She was rushed to a local hospital in the Chiapas city of San Cristobal de Las Casas and was declared dead

They subsequently searched the neighborhood and discovered Antonio pushing the motorcycle down a street.

Ruiz confronted the men and asked them to return the motorcycle.

Authorities say during the argument she stepped in between Miguel and Pedro to block her son from harm.

As Pedro raised his gun at her, Ruiz whipped out her phone and snapped a photo of him.

It was the last picture she would ever take. 

Pedro was arrested Tuesday in connection to the weekend murder of Paul Ruiz, a mother-of-four, in Chiapas, Mexico

Pedro was arrested Tuesday in connection to the weekend murder of Paul Ruiz, a mother-of-four, in Chiapas, Mexico 

Moments later, Pedro opened fire and struck her above the heart.

Both he and Antonio then fled, abandoning Miguel Alejandro’s motorcycle on the ground.

Local media outlets reported that paramedics were late in arriving at the scene. Ruiz was rushed to Las Culturas Hospital, where she was pronounced dead Sunday.

Pedro and Sergio Antonio were apprehended together in the San Cristobal de Las Casas neighborhood of La Isla on Tuesday. Pedro was in possession of a gun.

Two other suspects linked to the incident, identified as Yareli Concepción, 27, and Rigoberto, 21, were taken into custody in La Isla.

Authorities recovered a gun and a stolen motorcycle from Concepción and Rigoberto.

Charges against the four suspects are pending. 


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